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Heat Legend


Legends provide valuable information for interpreting maps using colors, shapes, or other identifiers based on data.Move a legend to any position like Top, Bottom, Left Right inside the map.A legend is a key used on a map that contains swatches of symbols with descriptions.


To Change the Formatting Property on the Geo Map, you need working Datasets with country or state names.


How to Use Heat Legend Property in Geo Map.

Download file from the link given


To know more about creating Geo Map Click here

Follow steps to change Formatting of Geo Map in OPNBI:-

  1. Click on the hamburger icon.

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  1. Click on the Dashboard tab and open Map in edit mode.

  2. The Edit menu box appears as you click on the Map icon. And a widget gets added in content place automatically in the dashboard, As shown in Figure below:

  3. Create a Geo Map with World Map Dataset, as shown in the figure below:

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  1. In Formatting Property click on Maps Series, as shown in the figure below:

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  1. In Maps Series click on Heat Legend.

  2. Enter the Following details in Heat Legend:

Toggle Enable Heat Legend

Vertical Align: Bottom

  1. Fill above details in the edit box, As Shown in the figure:

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  1. Click on Preview and Save and Exit.

  2. Now, match your Geo Map with the below example, it should look like the figure below:

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To know more about other formatting properties of Map widgets click on the below links:-

Heat Rules

Map Series General Properties


In order to understand in detail about other features, click on the following links:-

Create Geo Map

Create Leaflet Map


